Friday, June 5, 2015

what are you?

if I were to ask you

what are you?

would you understand what I mean?

would you try to translate the question into something more common, and answer with your name?

I am Olivia Smit.

Would you tilt your head and ask me for confirmation?

I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean?

or would you understand?

Would you close your eyes, and consider,

think really deeply about what you are, all the parts that fit together into one big, broken whole...would you understand that you are individual pieces of identity that defy mathematics;

when added together, you are more than you started with.

You cannot divide your identity into slices of life

compartmentalize who you are

but you can always multiply

and grow.

Would you answer me, meeting my gaze, starting with a list and then peeling back the layers and diving a little deeper

I am eighteen.

I am confused.

I am stressed, every heartbeat sending a thumping pain through my temples, a constant reminder to open my mouth and breathe. I am the kind of person who forgets things like oxygen when my brain is too full of the future to worry about the here and now.

I am quite possibly a little bit backwards.

I am the girl who wrote a letter she never sent to an eighth-grade boy who wasn't as perfect as he looked...

I am still thirteen inside, and I thought things would never change
but they did
and I wasn't ready,
still waiting for the happy ending I thought I was promised.

Because I am the kind of person who still believes in happy endings.

I am so close something, to the future, to new and crazy things, so close to an opening up and changing of life.... and so far from understanding what that even means.

I am caught, inexplicably
with both the future and the past, and somehow I have lost the line that divides the two,
living not in the moment, but in a moment

when I was two years old, my sister was born,
I rode a bus for the first time, and out the window
saw stars --
someday will a child of mine make the same journey
and be more in awe of the evasive pricks of light
than they are of this strange new person?

Maybe now is just remembering then

I am empty inside of all the places I have not gone,
a void that does not fill me but stretches me
to make room for the things I have not seen
and the people I have not yet loved.

I am a blank page, and I can feel myself tensing
with every heartbeat,
wondering who will pick up the pen first
and what they will write.

it is a happy emptiness



P.S. I know I have spent the last few posts being all like, "CHANGE ACK" but I promise real live posts are coming soon! Including why I didn't go to prom and what I did instead, which includes getting stuck in the roof of a car and also lots of bug bites.
P.P.S. Not actually permanently stuck in the roof of a car, as is evidenced by the fact that I'm typing stuff in my computer and not being turned into the first ever human/car cyborg combo. Just in case you were concerned.
P.P.P.S. I feel like it's been forever since I blogged even though my last post was only a week or two ago. HOW ARE YOU ALL?? Please share.


  1. Oh my! Olivia this is absolutely beautiful. I was oohing an aahing through the whole poem. But that last line clinched it. I'm going to take this with me through life. It is a wonderful perspective. Sometimes emptiness means openness and possibilities. I just LOVE that.

    1. Susanna, that means so much! Thank you! :) it's such a crazy stage of life and I'm so relieved to know that I'm not navigating it alone.

  2. Olivia, you are the coolest person. Keep doing what you are doing.

    1. Hannah, right back at you girl!! ♡ thanks so much. :)

  3. Dear Olivia,

    Oh my GOSH. So like... how do I even start. So many lines from this poem/post were so gorgeous and true and relatable. "All the parts that fit together into one big, broken whole," and "I am confused. Excited. Scared." and "I am still thirteen inside, and I thought things would never change but they did and I wasn't ready, still waiting for the happy ending I thought I was promised." and WHAT EVEN -- this could/should be a slam poem. It's just... it's absolutely GOLDEN. Thank you for sharing this. <3 On another note, I CANNOT WAIT to hear about what you did instead of going to prom and how your got stuck (but not permanently) on a car roof. Because that sounds literally amazing. Tell us about it soon, please! And keep writing -- obviously. YOU TALENT, YOU.


    1. Abbie. Girl, you're killing me!! Reading this comment made my day. :) seriously. I'm SO GLAD you liked it!
      And haha, I'm hoping to have that post up by the end of the week. ...maybe (?) Gotta get my pictures all transferred around first. :) it was like a moment in a movie -you're like, this will never happen to anyone in real life. (Except it did.)

  4. gahhh, dude. Olivia, this is pure beauty. Oh mannnn...

    "when I was two years old, my sister was born,
    I rode a bus for the first time, and out the window
    saw stars --
    someday will a child of mine make the same journey
    and be more in awe of the evasive pricks of light
    than they are of this strange new person?"

    just...<3 wow. So beautiful.

    1. I'm glad you noticed that part!! It was one of my favorites too. <3 Thanks for being so awesome, Kate.

  5. I love it when you post your poetry, Olivia. This part

    when I was two years old, my sister was born,
    I rode a bus for the first time, and out the window
    saw stars --
    someday will a child of mine make the same journey
    and be more in awe of the evasive pricks of light
    than they are of this strange new person?

    stuck out to me, and I love that you shared that part of yourself. And I so much <3

    I am empty inside of all the places I have not gone,
    a void that does not fill me but stretches me
    to make room for the things I have not seen
    and the people I have not yet loved.

    It's so perfect. It sounds like something I'd make art out of and hang on my wall.

    1. I am running out of ways to say "Thank you!" This comment made me so warm inside....I'm so glad you loved those parts (they were my favorites, too.)


Comments from you make my day! ♥ True story.