Friday, May 31, 2013

spring picnics

-pictures taken from several different picnics my friends and I have had over the past few months. photos taken by myself, my friends, and my sister-

Picnics just make me really happy. Sitting in the warm sun for the first time since winter's curtain fell five months ago, sandwiches and lemonade and cookies all packed up with the blanket. Laughing and talking and eating good food, of course...setting the camera on high-speed and jumping down the hill or off the picnic bench again and again, getting crazier pictures every time. I think everyone should have at least one picnic every spring, to celebrate.

this one is me.



  1. Picnics are the best!
    && The photos = awesome!
    I would totally go on a picnic today if it weren't so hot out where I live. It feels like summer already.
    Great post!

    1. It was pretty hot today, too...but there was lots of shade where we were, so none of us minded too much. :)

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

    2. Sounds like fun!!
      My pleasure & thanks for stopping by my blog as well! :))

  2. It's been so long since I've had a picnic...ooh, you look like you had so much fun. :) <3

    1. We did. :) And I think we should add picnics to "things we need to do when we meet in person." If you like.

  3. Picnics are good. I like picnics.

    I finally get back to OYAN, and you're gone! You need to give me your e-mail so I can send you my novel when I get around to writing it (most likely this next school year).

    1. Ahhhhh, I'm so happy to see you!! :D your comment...whatever. :P It's been ages since we talked! I'm so happy you're finally going to write that novel...I was getting impatient. On Alex's behalf, of course.

      Are you going to stick around for a little while?

    2. We're planning to start an OYAN group at my house next school year, so there's no way I can get around it anymore. :D

      On your blog, or the forum, or my house? ???

    3. HAH. That makes me happy. It's been almost five years, you know. Not that I'm counting or anything.

      My blog. :) Since I'm not on the forum anymore and I really don't think I'm going to make it to your house anytime soon.

  4. Five? My sister and I only counted four... We're recruiting a bunch of people from my school (Yes, I'm homeschooled. For the sake of ease, consider it a homeschool group.) for the OYAN group. My mom sent out an e-mail. Conveniently, three of the six responses are close friends of mine. Two more are myself and my sister, leaving one person I don't know well.

    I hope so. I think so. It's my seventh tab, so I should see it every time I open my web browser.


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